Action inspired by appreciation
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
Gilbert Keith Chesterton — Calm
The practice of gratitude can be very personal and self-reflective. My thankful thoughts definitely help me feel gratitude. I can express my gratefulness with my actions. Sometimes that may be by making a list, journaling, or even by writing a note and sending it.
My question today is, what additional actions are inspired by my appreciation for circumstances and especially people in my life? How does my gratitude prompt me to be of service to others? How can I demonstrate my appreciation for friends and coworkers and even for strangers in ways that are inspired and authentic and that reflect “happiness doubled by wonder.”
Last night it hit me while in a conversation with a dear friend. When I’m at my healthiest my greatest joys come from being in community with and in service to others. Those actions are inspired by a grateful heart and a desire to act upon my gratitude and appreciation.
-These thoughts and reflections came to me via the Chesterton quote above in Daily Calm and via exploring ways to serve others in Daily Word.