Beyond Surviving to THRIVING in 2021

Darin Hollingsworth
4 min readDec 28, 2020


Gathering my toolkit

Who is with me?! Goodbye 2020!

Y’all know, I work to live and work from a grateful mindset. And there has been much in 2020 for which I am sincerely grateful. I’ve learned things, challenged myself, and I’ve laughed. I’ve got dear family and connectedness to treasured friends near and far, and I’ve got my health — physically and emotionally. Especially with regard to my mental health, I’m healthier than I’ve been in probably 4 years. I have work that is meaningful with colleagues that have become friends, and with income and benefits…and my gratitude list includes much, much more. I am simply and unequivocally grateful.

AND…DANG! There’s been so much of this year that I’m ready to scrap. We’ve made it this far and we’ll finish it off — separately, together. We can take with us and savor what serves us, release what no longer serves us, and support each other through any struggles that linger.

Nothing particularly magical will happen on January 1 at the stroke of midnight. However, by embracing an intentional approach consisting of collective kindness, compassion, and gratitude, we can work our way into a mindset of new beginnings with gratefulness, anticipation, and even excitement. The approach below is how I intend to move from surviving to thriving in 2021.

Embracing an intentional approach consisting of collective kindness, compassion, and gratitude, we can work our way into a mindset of new beginnings with gratefulness, anticipation, and even excitement.

My intention is to approach every day of the new year by looking at each opportunity and challenge with these questions as my “take a deep breath,” first response.

1. Is my thought or response kind or how can I bring kindness to this situation?

2. Where can I find compassion in this situation or interaction with another? (Self-compassion must be the first check in here!)

3. How can I bring gratitude to a situation or for a person that I’m encountering? If gratitude is not immediately possible, as with tragedy and death and grief and loss, what can I learn from the situation?

–Here’s the toolkit that’ll help me with this intentional approach


I pledge myself to be authentic and present with what is, in each moment. There will be a range of emotions, thoughts, and experiences, from sadness and despair to joy and elation. Will the new year bring drama, disappointment, sadness, anger, distraction, and fear? Yep! But I believe kindness, compassion, and gratitude will serve me in empowering me to make great choices and offer the best responses.


Too many times in my life, I’ve approached these kinds of intentions with aloofness, self-judgement, and aloneness. We are created to love, not judge. We are created with a spirit of confidence, not shame. We are created for and thrive with connection not loneliness. I invite accountability into my life for me and with trusted friends and advisors.


A long-standing, tried and true tool, The Four Agreements, by don Miguel Ruiz, serves me well. I review these agreements almost every day and still need more work on all of them. See also, accountability above.

1. “Be impeccable with your word.” Speak truth and love (encouragement.) Words matter and the words we choose can have a huge impact.

2. “Don’t take anything personally.” (This is possibly the hardest to practice, so I practice every day!)

3. “Don’t make assumptions.” Ask questions. Get clarity. Ask for what you want.

4. “Always do your best!” Your best can change based on your health or your circumstances (like in a pandemic …or 2020 in general) or because of other variables. Grace for yourself and others is so important here.

Ideally, with these intentions and tools, I plan to combine the good parts of 2020 with these intentions so that I can optimize the opportunity to THRIVE in 2021.

Will you embrace these intentions and tools with me? I invite conversation, community and creativity! Share your tools and best practices with me so that we can grow together!

I’m so ready to move beyond merely surviving to THRIVING in 2021! Join me?

A preface article to this was published on LinkedIn in June 2019! Gathering a mental health toolkit — before you need it.

Darin Hollingsworth has had a thriving career as a financial advisor, sales professional, senior fundraising professional and non-profit executive.

Now via business, success, and philanthropy coaching, Darin is passionate about helping successful executives realize and exceed their personal and professional potential. He helps business and nonprofit leaders find and confirm their passion, their inspiration, and motivation. This is accomplished through collaborative work based on gratitude, experience, encouragement and accountability. As Darin says, “Surviving is not enough. Thriving is the goal!”

Additionally, Darin works with businesses, non-profit organizations and boards of directors to create new possibilities for transformational customer and donor relationships, organizational strategic visioning and governance, as well as continuity and succession planning. Via collaboration and consulting, Darin engages with clients to empower them to build upon strengths and face challenges with confidence and expertise as well as gratitude, kindness, and compassion.

Darin is the creator and host of the podcast “Working Gratitude — Real people. Real Gratitude at Work.”



Darin Hollingsworth
Darin Hollingsworth

Written by Darin Hollingsworth

Darin is Chief Gratitude and Accountability Officer for Odonata Coaching and Consulting. Coaching. Collaboration. Accountability. Gratitude. Compassion.

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