Random Acts of Kindness and the 2nd Agreement

Darin Hollingsworth
2 min readFeb 17, 2021

There’s a week for everything these days. Today I was glad to be reminded about “Random Acts of Kindness Week.”

I am grateful for random acts of kindness received. And I am grateful when my feelings prompt me to give random acts of kindness.

As part of our Art of Gratitude February letter writing month I’ve been pleased to receive what I consider to be random or surprise acts of kindness. In this time of social distancing and staying at home because of the weather and the pandemic, a note card or a letter in the mail goes a long way as a Kindness.

Another point of gratitude today is one that I have to practice regularly. It is the second agreement from the book The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. It is “don’t take things personally.“

I am grateful that I have practiced this (and it takes practice.) Frequently, when my thoughts want to take me to a place of negativity because of an interaction (at work or maybe a social media post,) I can remember this.

Feelings and thoughts of drama and hurt can be significantly defused or shifted by remembering not to take things personally. This usually happens when worry or doubt or fear are nudging me. Someone else’s words or actions or posts on social media are their own. My reaction to them is what I have to own.

When I realize that everyone is dealing with their own journey and when I can circle back today’s other point of Gratitude, Kindness, then I can shift my thinking and my feelings.

Think of a time when you have received an act of kindness, be at random or someone’s intention for you. I bet that is a point gratitude for you. Savor that today and see if it prompts you to offer something similar to someone else.

Have a great and grateful Happy New Day!



Darin Hollingsworth

Darin is Chief Gratitude and Accountability Officer for Odonata Coaching and Consulting. Coaching. Collaboration. Accountability. Gratitude. Compassion.