Speed Bump or road block
Perhaps everything terrible is, in its deepest being, some thing that needs our love. — Rainer Maria Rilke
This quote came up today in Calm, a mindfulness app I enjoy using. It gave me a great point of reflection and inquiry about some of the “terrible,” very difficult situations, and people that I have moved beyond.
First, I’m reminded that in this very moment, I am loved. I am love. And I am grateful. That is who I am.
Second, I’ve survived and have great potential to thrive and to flourish.
When I’ve been distracted by terrible circumstances or even mean, difficult people, this Rilke quote reminds me to love and hold compassion — for myself and others. My self judgement and my judgment of others are often the roadblocks to extending love and compassion to others.
When I’ve been distracted by terrible circumstances or even mean, difficult people, this Rilke quote reminds me to love and hold compassion — for myself and others. My self-judgement and my judgment of others are often the roadblocks to extending love and compassion to others.
Shame and lack of self compassion are also roadblocks to receiving love.
What if we reassess the “terrible” with a lens of opportunity and possibility to love ourselves and others more deeply and authentically?
Maybe the roadblocks are simply speed bumps or detours on our journey to thriving and flourishing.
Have a great and grateful Happy New Day!